Friday, April 21, 2023

It's FlyDay, What's the Diff?

When you stand in the forest do you feel small? When you stand in a crowd of people do you feel claustrophobic? If you could stand in the city surrounded by people or if you could stand in the forest surround by trees, which would you choose?

I choose likely the most remote forest I can find, and the way things seem to be going right now I think there are a few persons that would likely choose the same. 

Can you go to another place within your own mind, or do you need to physically go there yourself? I understand that we sometimes have to remain in situations that are not pleasant until we can find a way to work our way out of it without doing all too much harm to ones self.

These trees they are older than you and I, I would say, they reach to the sky, they reach for the light. We too should do the same, reach for the light, no matter where you are, let there be light.

As for the FlyDay comment, well it's instead of Friday, but let's say FlyDay as in we can fly away and take a couple days to just be at peace. Of course that is if you get the weekend off, but work out your FlyDay for however your work schedule may be.

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