Most of us already know where we can get bonus income; at
least those of us that are hoping to make a go of it with an online business
that does not cost thousands of dollars to start up. Google Adsense is free to
add to your site and you can earn a bit of coin off of it as well. You can sign
up as an affiliate with several online companies like Amazon or Ebay as well;
but don’t over advertise on your site. Keep it fresh and keep it clean.
We need to remember the golden rule, if we don’t promote our business; no one is likely to find it. But we need to promote a product or service that is going to sell, something that people want and something that the average person can afford.
There is one important decision you need to make and that is whether or not you want to do this under a business name or under your own personal name. Many people do create a business name to receive these payments under; it’s simpler and looks more professional looking. If you decide you would like to create a business name you need to go and check it out at your local town or city hall; fees are relatively low. Caution: If you do not want to be held personally liable you need to create for yourself an incorporated business entity to work under.
Important Tip – When you plan to start an online business for $100 you need to use that one special skill that you already have (hopefully?), and that is the use of SEO in your articles. You need to know how to use the Google Keyword Tool to see what people are looking for and you need to know how often and where those keywords should be placed in your article. The Google Keyword Tool also helps with the domain name you should try to get a hold of.
Sometimes you need to be inventive when coming up with
domain names. Keep thinking of terms that are used fairly often for your
product or service and keep popping those terms into the keyword tool until you
come up with a name that will be workable for you. Workable means that it is
available and the competition is not overly fierce; go for often searched and
middle of the road or less for competition.
If you don't have the time yourself to write as many articles as you need, you can enlist perhaps a couple of friends or even possibly take on a business partner who will work with you for an agreed upon deal/amount. If you want to keep other fingers out of the pot you can use a place like Elance or Freelancer to get a jump start; but hiring out does cost money so your costs are likely to go over $100 if you choose to go this route. On the bright side, if you find a talented writer it can really pay off in the long run.
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