What does it say if an employer can post an ad that says, 'Obese people need not apply'; this medical center is presently being sued. Then there are those ads that say don't bother applying if you are unemployed? I guess if we're unemployed we are much less worthy, who the heck wants to work for these people anyhow? To top that all of there is the no smoking ever one, where the prospective employer screens you for nicotine before and during your employment. This is going a bit far.
Then again you can get six years in jail for selling fake Frankenstein posters. But you can stay out of jail if you work for the big corporations and do some not exactly legal number manipulations. It seems it all depends on who you know. Check out some conspiracy theories by Jesse Ventura.
That people is all the more reason to say the hell with the job market and work to provide for ourselves with our own writing, webpage building and marketing. As I get older I tend to get more and more dismayed at all the things that seem to be going on. Abuse of the common worker and the common workers rights. Do the heads of corporations even know what exactly is going on, do they care?
Many may fear having to go back out and attempt to find a new job in today's market, who the heck will you end up working for? What kind of abuse will you have to put up with to earn your paycheck? This is not to say all employers are horrid to work for, you just have to be extremely cautious. From what I have seen you have to pay attention in an interview and do your best to figure out what exactly the company is all about; be fully aware of what you may be setting yourself up for.
People, we all have the right to respect and I know it's hard but, if a place of employment is making you miserable you have to find a way to say goodbye. Or end up working with the jerks that you abhor being around. God is on your side and he works in ways that we are often not aware of. Stay true to yourself and continue to believe in yourself, don't let them turn you into one of them.