Saying it has been relaxing since the time of my last posting is an exaggeration of course, it's been anything but. I have learned many facts about human nature and at least 90% of them will not make a person smile.
Shall you be the king of the jungle or a minion of the mindless? I show to you a blank canvas, but how do we acquire one that is fresh and free to draw upon? You will need a corn broom to bat the wasps that guard the stock. Let's flip now, have you ever been on the hiring end of a company and have you been through a few interviews with potential employees in the last while? Oh, how I wish there were a magic Genie who could miraculously find the ideal employee... but alas, thus far I have not found that Genie.
Soon, I intend to get back to being me. I have gathered a large amount of data over the past months and I will strive to share some of it with you soon. You don't have to talk about just business ideas when you are blogging but you need to follow specific patterns they do say. Well really you don't but if you want your words of wisdom to be found, you do need a certain concentration of words that you wish to be found with. The search engines, as well all know, shall bring you the followers.